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March Celebrates National Social Work Month

Celebrate the contribution of social workers during National Social Work Month this March. Social Workers confront some of the most challenging issues facing individuals, families, communities and society and forge solutions that help people reach their full potential and make our nation a better place to live. To our area Social Workers, thank you for all that you do!

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Go Red for Women ‐ National Wear Red Day is February 2nd!

Why Go Red? Heart disease and stroke cause 1 in 3 deaths among women each year, killing approximately one woman every 80 seconds. Fortunately, we have the power to change that because 80 percent of cardiac and stroke events may be prevented with education and action. That’s why you are encouraged to wear red on National Wear Red Day and encourage others to do the same and take the time to Know Your Numbers. Five numbers, all women should know to take control of their heart health are: Total Cholesterol, HDL (good) Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar and Body Mass Index (BMI). Knowing these numbers can help women and their healthcare provider determine their risk for developing cardiovascular diseases

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Celebrate National Home Health and Hospice Care Month

The dedicated, compassionate staff and volunteers of Home Health and Hospice Care are recognized and celebrated during the month of November. To those that serve, thank you for caring and giving. Your tender care, love and understanding have made a difference in the lives of so many!

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November is National Diabetes Awareness Month

Managing your diabetes can lead to a longer, healthier life. What you do every day makes the difference: eating a healthy diet, being physically active, taking medicines if prescribed, and keeping health care appointments to stay on track.

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National Immunization Awareness Month

Immunization, or vaccination, helps prevent dangerous and sometimes deadly diseases. To stay protected against serious illnesses like the flu, measles, and pneumonia, adults need to get their shots — just like kids do. During National Immunization Awareness Month we encourage you, your friends, families and coworkers to stay up to date on their shots. Call any CCCHC Clinic today at 7018734445 to schedule an appointment!

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National Health Center Week

Stop in at any CCCHC Clinic during National Health Center Week, August 14‐18 to help us celebrate. Register for door prizes and enjoy a free refreshment! Thank you for trusting in CCCHC for your healthcare needs!

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Let Life Bloom!

Sakakawea Medical Center is proud to serve our community by helping people share the gift of life. It’s National Donate Life Month! Let Life Bloom by registering to be an organ or tissue donor today at

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One Week Left! ‐ Pap & Pamper Event

Celebrating National Cervical Health Awareness Month 2017:

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Pap & Pamper Event

Celebrating National Cervical Health Awareness Month 2017: All patients who complete their cervical cancer screening at a CCCHC Clinic between the dates of January 16 ‐ February 17, 2017 will be registered for a special Pap and Pamper drawing to be held in February. Several great pampering items have been donated by area businesses! Schedule your Cervical Cancer Screening today by contacting your local CCCHC healthcare provider!

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